

The philosophy of the College of Nursing is consistent with the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka and with the goals and mission of the same. The College’s Philosophy focuses upon the nature of the PERSON, ENVIRONMENT, HEALTH, THE PROFESSION OF NURSING and THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION.

The faculty believe that the PERSON is a unique and continuously evolving being of dignity and growth. The person’s behavior reflects the interaction between personal and environmental influences. Each person has the right to participate in making decisions which will affect health and to accept or refuse health care within the context of safety of society.

The faculty view ENVIRONMENT as the external influences affecting life and development of the person. The health of the individuals, families, and communities are affected by these influences.

HEALTH is viewed as a dynamic state arising from continuous change in the person and the environment. The faculty view the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health as complex phenomena involving the joint responsibility of the person and the health care providers.

NURSING involves the diagnosis and treatment of actual or potential health problems. Nursing involves supportive and therapeutic interventions based on theoretical and scientific knowledge. The goal of nursing is to promote health through out life, prevent illness, restore and/or maintain with dignity essential life functions altered by illness. As health care professionals, nurses exert leadership to achieve a viable system of health care delivery and assure quality nursing care. The nurse’s role is that of a health care provider who both independently and in collaboration with other departments.

Nursing is an art and science. The art of nursing requires that the practitioner apply knowledge gained from the humanities, arts, and sciences to understand human needs. This knowledge provides the foundation for the acceptance and appreciation of the values of the person which may differ from those of the nurse. The science of nursing is the contemplation, exploration, and research of the person, environment and health.

EDUCATION for professional nursing practice includes sound theoretical knowledge base to support experimental learning. Faculty believe that education process facilitates continuing personal and professional growth in which the responsibility for outcomes is mutually shared by students and faculty. The intent of educational programs is to focus on the learner. Education is a lifelong process, with the commitment of the learner to establish patterns of continued inquiry